Learn School Academy

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Grade: KG - 1


Reading and Reading Comprehension Skills:

1) Recognize upper and lower case letters.
2) Begin to identify sight words through interactive activities.
3)Learn the alphabet and basic features of letters and words.

Writing Skills:

1) Practice writing upper and lower case letters.
2) Begin tracing letters and shapes to develop hand-eye coordination.
3) Start forming simple words and sentences with assistance.

Fine Motor Skills:

1) Hold pencils, crayons, or markers correctly.
2) Engage in activities to strengthen hand muscles, such as tearing paper or squeezing playdough.
3) Introduce basic cutting skills with safety scissors.

Social Skills and Abilities:

1) Participate in group activities with guidance.
2) Practice sharing and communicating with peers.
3) Begin to understand the importance of following classroom rules and routines.

Best online school

Zainab Munir

Zainab Munir enthusiastically approaches the KG1 class, dedicated to infusing excitement into the realms of English and Maths learning. Through engaging storytelling, interactive reading sessions, and inventive activities, her goal is to ignite a passion for language within the young learners. In the realm of Mathematics, Zainab employs hands-on and entertaining games to explore numbers and shapes. Her overarching aim is to foster a supportive environment where each child feels valued and inspired to embrace learning. Together, they celebrate milestones and embark on an enriching journey of growth and discovery under her guidance.
