Learn School Academy

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Grade: KG 2

Learning Outcomes

  • Expand their sight word vocabulary, decode new words confidently, and discern between facts and fiction in stories.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in writing by independently writing their name, forming complete sentences, and composing simple narratives.
  • Develop fine motor skills through precise drawing and writing, cutting intricate shapes, and engaging in activities promoting hand strength and coordination.


Math Skills:

1) Count numbers up to 30.
2) Explore addition and subtraction with numbers up to 10.
3) Recognize and extend simple patterns.

Online homeschool programs

Ceemal Khan

In our nurturing environment, Ceemal thrived, gaining confidence and enhancing their skills as an early year’s educator. Embracing a holistic learning approach, they passionately connect with and cherish every student, utilizing powerful virtual tools to bridge the physical distance, ensuring a meaningful educational experience for all.
