Learn School Academy

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Pre Primary

Online homeschool programs

Pre-primary is for students’ from age 3 till 5. Below are the grades available for these students:

1. KG1
2. KG2

In our Pre-Primary Curriculum we provide main subjects to the students along with activities for every grade. The curriculum is based on the British Curriculum Framework. Values, morals and ethics are an important part of our program and with the help of stories & narratives we aim to nurture, empower and help create independent mind and confident leaders of tomorrow.

Main Subjects offered are:

English, Math, Science, General Knowledge, Activities

Online homeschool programs

Based on British Curriculum

Limited students per class

Personal Attention and Care

All books are provided

Access to progress report of child

Online homeschool programs


Online homeschool programs

Primary is for students’ from ages 6 till 10. Below are the grades available for these students from grade
1 to grade 5. These years are very important stages of a child’s development, not only personally, socially but also academically.

Main Subjects offered to these students are:

  • English
  • Math
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Urdu


Additional courses offered:

These courses are offered from grade 3 till grade 5
a) Communication Development
b) Liberal Arts
c) Leadership
d) Coding (SDCC)
e) Entrepreneurship

Middle School

Online homeschool programs

Middle school education is between primary and secondary education the age of students’ is from age 11 till 13. Below are the grades available for these students:

1. Grade 6
2. Grade 7
3. Grade 8

Middle school students should possess social skills, organizing abilities and creative thinking abilities.

Main Subjects offered to these students are:

  • English
  • Math
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Urdu

Additional courses offered:

These courses are offered from grade6 till grade 8
a) Coding (SDCC)
b) Entrepreneurship
c) Digital Media

Online homeschool programs
Online homeschool programs


Online homeschool programs

Learn Provides for Cambridge O-Level/A-level Classes which is conducted by CIE (Cambridge International Examination). It is an internationally recognized qualification equivalent to Cambridge IGCSE and the UK GCSE. O-Level/A-level provides students with excellent preparations for future academic progressions.
